2010年3月6日 星期六

Dream to bike in the Sky? Now U can !!

Dream to bike in the Sky? By 洪菁黛律師 (Stefany Hung)

Do we not all agree to call rapid thought and noble impulse by the name of inspiration?
~ George Eliot

http://shweeb.com/index.php?m=transport#f2 ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJMSHWLAShc&feature=player_embedded &.

A guy, Geoff Barnett, came up with the idea of a bicycle monorail network when he lived in Tokyo where he had to cycle through the city to work & ride up the mountains around the city on weekend occasionally.

The idea of riding above traffic jams on multi-level rails, JapanJRShinkansen which millions of Tokyo residents are using to commute between homes & work places everyday, is to provide an option of green energy to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that modern transportation may produce & also can help build a health environment for aerobic workout, with a flexible and comfort travel tool & space for people to move safely & quickly.

Now he puts his idea, Personal Rapid Transit, into project & made it happen. U can see it in NZ and several places of offices to promote this Personal Rapid Transit around the world.

PS. Shweeb pods include a highly efficient system of pedals that can theoretically allow riders to reach speeds of up 70 kmh.

It is a really interesting invention, good for workout & sport places, but to be used as an urban commuting tool which needs a more complicated infrastructure to complete this idea & whether it can be provided as an alternative tool of Mass Transportation in communities of high density of population, still a question to me & many people. BUT for a dream to bike in the Sky? NOW U can !!!

~ The power of imagination makes us infinite.
John Muir

